Katrina Court Katrina Court

The perfect mother myth: why it’s time to let it go

In an era when women are supposed to be, and feel, more liberated than ever before, modern-day motherhood can be unforgivingly perfectionist.

For the sake of mothers everywhere, it's time to let go of the myth.

Instead, we need to start celebrating the real-life experiences of mothers - the good, the bad and the ugly.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

What’s your Motherhood Code?

Motherhood may not come with an instruction manual, but it does come with an overwhelming amount of external noise about what a ‘good mother’ should look like, feel like, and how she should behave.

Think of your Motherhood Code like your unique motherhood compass - the new set of beliefs and standards you want to live, mother and work by.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

Lessons from my daughter: 5 life skills my pre-schooler is helping me to relearn.

We spend so much of our time as parents in teaching mode. Thinking (and worrying) about the lessons, values, and behaviours we are consciously and sub-consciously passing down to our children. But we often fail to see the valuable life lessons that we can pick up from them.

Here are five magical skills that my three-and-a-half-year-old daughter, is reverse-parenting me on each and every day.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

Maternal ambivalence: the two truths of motherhood

While more women may feel comfortable saying that motherhood is hard, saying that you don’t always enjoy it, or dare I say it, sometimes hate it, still feels taboo.

Ambivalence is often confused with feeling indifferent or not caring; but for me it perfectly sums up how I feel about motherhood a lot of the time.

And something that I believe should be talked about more openly.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

Why authenticity trumps confidence


It’s something we all struggle with at some stage, particularly as women and mothers.

We want to feel less anxious, more self-assured, and certain in our choices.

We want to appear calm, in control, like we have our act together.

We may believe that being more confident will lead to more success, happiness, and fulfilment.

But is confidence really the answer?

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

The courage to redefine motherhood

We all enter motherhood with a set of beliefs, expectations, and assumptions of what it means to be a good mother. For many, their ideal has been shaped by what they have seen from their own mothers and elders, from wider society, and how motherhood is portrayed in the media.

It is time to rewrite the narrative around what it means to be a good mother.

It’s time to have the courage to take ownership of what motherhood means for women as individuals.

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