What’s your Motherhood Code?

Motherhood may not come with an instruction manual, but it does come with an overwhelming amount of external noise about what a ‘good mother’ should look like, feel like, and how she should behave.

You may not realise it lovely, but you have a powerful internal set of values that can help you to redefine and shape your own version of motherhood.

Sometimes these values may have been distorted by limiting beliefs, from trying to meet other people’s expectations, or from comparing yourself to how everyone else is doing it, but rest assured, they are there.

And that is where creating your own Motherhood Code can help.

What is a Motherhood Code?

Think of your Motherhood Code like your unique internal compass - the new set of beliefs, values and standards that you want to live, mother and work by.

The beliefs, values and standards that are important to you, and only you.

Not the ones anybody else has told you that you should follow.

Not the ones that have left you feeling lost and depleted as a woman and a mother.

Download my FREE e-guide and Discover Your Motherhood Code today.

I've created a self-paced guide to help you to rediscover and reconnect with what really matters to you - both as a woman and as a mother.

Because it’s about time that we start to mother, live and work on our own terms.

The simple, but deeply reflective, exercises in this guide will help you to take your first step towards a more conscious and empowered version of motherhood.

Your Motherhood Code will help you to:

  • Rediscover and reconnect to yourself in this present phase of matrescence.

  • Have confidence in your decisions, even if they go against other people’s expectations.

  • Shield yourself from comparison and feelings of not being good enough.

  • Silence your inner mean mummy voice that whispers words of self-doubt and fuels shame.

  • Determine what is deserving of your precious time & energy, so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

So, what are you waiting for?

Download your free Discover Your Motherhood Code e-guide now.

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