Katrina Court Katrina Court

Motherhood’s Great Expectations

Modern motherhood’s great expectations are leaving women feeling broken when they experience something else - shock, fear, doubt, anger, grief, loneliness, resentment - alongside the mandated joy and wonder.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

Embracing imperfection: the liberating truth about motherhood

How many times do you question whether you are good enough?

Do you ever feel like you're constantly striving to do more, give more, and be more? Not just as a mother, but across all the many roles you play in your life.

But let's be honest, does enough ever really feel like enough?

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

Finding fulfilment on the emotional rollercoaster of motherhood

Feeling unsatisfied with motherhood is a familiar experience for a lot of women. The demands of juggling work, parenting and our own needs can leave us feeling stretched to our limits, so it's understandable to question if there's more to this journey than mere survival sometimes.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

The perfect mother myth: why it’s time to let it go

In an era when women are supposed to be, and feel, more liberated than ever before, modern-day motherhood can be unforgivingly perfectionist.

For the sake of mothers everywhere, it's time to let go of the myth.

Instead, we need to start celebrating the real-life experiences of mothers - the good, the bad and the ugly.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

What’s your Motherhood Code?

Motherhood may not come with an instruction manual, but it does come with an overwhelming amount of external noise about what a ‘good mother’ should look like, feel like, and how she should behave.

Think of your Motherhood Code like your unique motherhood compass - the new set of beliefs and standards you want to live, mother and work by.

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