Katrina Court Katrina Court

What is matrescence coaching?

So, what actually is matrescence coaching all about? Here are a few myth busters to shed a little more light on what it is, and what it isn't.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

Maternal ambivalence: the two truths of motherhood

While more women may feel comfortable saying that motherhood is hard, saying that you don’t always enjoy it, or dare I say it, sometimes hate it, still feels taboo.

Ambivalence is often confused with feeling indifferent or not caring; but for me it perfectly sums up how I feel about motherhood a lot of the time.

And something that I believe should be talked about more openly.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

Lost in the maze of motherhood

I often describe the early years of motherhood as a maze. A fun adventure with twists and turns, but also with lots of potential for losing your way, conflicting choices and regularly running into dead ends.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

Forget bouncing back, it’s all about growing forward

It’s no secret that our culture actively rewards mothers for how quickly they can ‘bounce back’ into their old bodies, jeans, jobs and lifestyles.

But here are 3 reasons why I believe it's time to start reframing what motherhood looks like and to question whether bouncing back is a goal we really want to subscribe to.

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