My signature four-month coaching and mentoring journey for mamas who are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and depleted and want to do motherhood differently.

This is an opportunity to press pause, invest in yourself, and regain control of your motherhood experience.

This is your time to:

  • Honour and understand the transformation of your matrescence: why things feel the way they do and what’s beneath the surface.

  •  Reclaim your power as a woman and a mother, so you can move from feeling helpless and stuck, to feeling strong and empowered.

  •  Redefine what success in motherhood looks like for you, based on your unique values instead of the societal “shoulds” that fuel self-doubt, shame and overwhelm.

  • Build your unique toolbox so you feel confident and equipped to navigate your ongoing journey as a mama now, and in the seasons to come.

And you won’t be doing this alone, I’ll be your supportive, lovingly challenging, wing-mama all the way through.

This is for you if…

You feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the expectations of modern motherhood.

You’re experiencing prickly emotions like frustration, anger, or resentment but can’t put your finger on why.

You believe there has to be a different way of doing motherhood but you don’t know where to start.

You want to break free from cycles of self-doubt, comparison and guilt that seem to be the norm lately.

You want to reconnect to yourself as a woman and rekindle the fire inside.

You’re ready to move yourself up the priority list and start backing yourself and your needs.

It is not for you if…

You’re unable to commit to going on a journey – mama, you’ll only get out what you put in.

You don’t believe it’s worth investing in your present and your future.

You’re looking for a cookie-cutter roadmap to be the perfect mother.

You aren’t willing to be honest and face the feelings that come from being vulnerable.

You don’t believe that things can change.


  • Through this experience you will gain...

    Clarity on your values in this season of your life and what you need to feel fulfilled and aligned in motherhood.

    A deeper connection with who you are now, and who you are becoming.

    The ability to recognise your strength and self-worth.

    More self-compassion, grace and a sense of inner calm.

    Confidence to mother, live and work in a way that is aligned with who you are.

    Feeling equipped to navigate the on-goingness of motherhood.

  • What's included?

    A safe space where every emotion and experience is valid, without judgement.

    4 months of 1:1 support with me.

    1 x 90-minute Kick-off session where we will co-create your unique programme.

    7 x fortnightly 1-hour coaching sessions.

    Wing-mama support from me via email or Voxer for the duration of our work together for wins, wobbles and accountability.

    A suite of coaching tools and matrescence resources tailored to your bespoke needs.

    1 x 30-minute One Month Later session after the programme ends to check-in, reflect and celebrate.

  • What's the investment?

    £1,280 with the option to split over two or four payments at no extra cost.

Seeking a more gentle intro to your matrescence?


A powerful, standalone 1:1 session designed to help you to recognise, understand and honour your transition into motherhood.