A powerful, standalone 1:1 session designed to help you recognise, understand and honour your transition into motherhood.

When we don’t understand matrescence and the deep inner changes we experience when we become mothers, we think something is wrong with us. We feel lost and broken and that we’re the only ones who feel this way.

This is your opportunity to create some space to recognise and honour the rite of passage of your matrescence.

To reflect on your unique motherhood journey and identify the key areas of your transformation.

To unravel and explore the areas that feel particularly heavy right now with curiosity and kindness.

And to reconnect with the woman inside so you can move forward with more confidence and self-compassion.

This is for you if…

You know you’ve changed since becoming a mama, but it all feels foggy, you can’t find the words to describe how you’re feeling and need support making sense of it all.

You want motherhood to feel different but don’t know where to start, you feel stuck and overwhelmed.

You’re seeking an initial, gentle exploration into matrescence and the support coaching can give you.

You want to get a taste of what working with me would be like before committing to a longer-term programme.


  • This experience will...

    Allow you to carve out some time just for you to pause and reflect.

    Provide a safe space to untangle the thoughts and feelings you’ve been holding in your mind and speak these words out loud.

    Make you feel seen, heard and validated.

    Leave you with more clarity on your unique transition into motherhood.

    Help you feel a deeper connection with who you are becoming.

    Encourage you to show yourself more compassion as you continue to navigate motherhood.

  • What's included?

    A pre-session questionnaire.

    One 90-minute 1:1 session.

    Wheel of Matrescence workbook.

    Supporting matrescence resources to take away.

    My support over email or Voxer for one week after your session to discuss any reflections.

  • What's the investment?


Looking to go deeper into your matrescence?


Take a look at my signature 4-month coaching and mentoring journey for mamas who are feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and depleted and want to do motherhood differently.