Katrina Court Katrina Court

4 things I learned from my week off Social Media

Let's talk social media - the ultimate double-edged sword, don’t you think?

As a solopreneur and mama juggling the worlds of business and motherhood online, I’ve certainly felt the highs and lows of this digital dance.

It's been my go-to for connection, inspo, and learning, as well as a platform for sharing my journey and point of view. But let’s not gloss over the shadows: the comparison trap, information overload, the toxicity of carefully curated feeds, and the endless quest for validation.

Well, after feeling like I was slipping into a bit of a digital abyss, I decided to hit pause. Here’s what happened.

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Katrina Court Katrina Court

Maternal ambivalence: the two truths of motherhood

While more women may feel comfortable saying that motherhood is hard, saying that you don’t always enjoy it, or dare I say it, sometimes hate it, still feels taboo.

Ambivalence is often confused with feeling indifferent or not caring; but for me it perfectly sums up how I feel about motherhood a lot of the time.

And something that I believe should be talked about more openly.

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