A mix of 1:1 coaching and self-paced, guided exercises to give you the boost you need to return to paid work feeling equipped, energised and ready to thrive.

This is your opportunity to press pause, invest in yourself, as a professional and a mama, and mindfully plan for the return to work experience that is going to work for you.

This is for you if…

You want to mindfully plan for your return to work but feel pulled in different directions, emotions are running high, and you can’t think straight.

You have an idea about what you want from the next phase in your career but need an unbiased sounding board to help you make sense of it before you action it.

You know what your key challenges are but need support to figure out the next steps.

You are happy to do some of the work outside of our sessions.

You want a short sharp injection of support rather than a longer 1:1 relationship.


  • Through this experience you will...

    Carve out space for a part of your identity that has been on pause for a while.

    Gain a powerful injection of clarity, action, and accountability.

    Create a you-shaped blueprint to navigate the return to work with a sense of calm and self-belief.

    Find a way forward that feels exciting and fulfilling but realistic and achievable.

  • What's included?

    A pre-coaching questionnaire to understand your vision, challenges and concerns.

    A guided return to work blueprint template for you to work through at your own pace and make your own.

    My values and expectations exercise.

    2 x 60-minute 1:1 coaching sessions.

    1 x 30-minute follow-up session six weeks after our last session to check-in and reflect.

  • What's the investment?

    £340 with the option to split over two payments at no extra cost.

Looking for a longer-term programme?


Take a look at my signature 3-month coaching programme for women who want to create a life where motherhood, well-being and professional ambition can happily co-exist